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Curriculum Enrichment


We are committed to the broadest educational offering, and that means looking beyond the National Curriculum. A very successful enrichment programme that draws upon a wide range of adult skills is offered through school trips, visiting specialists and themed days and weeks.


Trips and Visits

We plan a series of trips each term for each year group. Our location gives us access to a wealth of historic and educational institutions in London and we also ensure that local facilities and sites are selected for visits. We have formed relationships with small organisations in and around Wanstead to support our locality. We undertake overnight residential trips for our Year 4, 5 and 6 children.


Workshops and specialists

Each year group takes part in a variety of workshops throughout the academic year. These link to their topic work or to a whole school theme. We invite specialists from a range of institutions e.g. Forest School and the Redbridge Drama Centre. We also have specialist teachers that teach Computing to all children in Years 1-6, PE to all children in Nursery to Year 6 and Music, whereby all children in the juniors learn a musical instrument for 4 years.


Extra-curricular activities

A range of age-appropriate clubs are offered both before and after school for EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2 children. These include sports, chess, coding, art and choir.

