Important change: P.E will now be in single sessions (Thursdays and Fridays), as opposed to double P.E on Thursday. This is so students have a more spread-out active timetable to enhance well-being and concentration.
Code: hsjc
All homework will be given out on a Tuesday. Homework consists of a maths workbook, spellings and reading. The pupils will come in on a Tuesday morning and we will mark the maths homework then. Reading books will also be changed on a Tuesday so please bring in reading books as well as reading records.
Parents, quite a few books were not returned this week. All students who did not bring in their book were given another one but please make sure students bring in their book, along with their reading record.
Thank you!
Students will now have a spelling test every Friday which will include 10 words. Please make sure students practice at home.
Spelling Test: Friday 14th February
1. catch
2. kitchen
3. hutch
4. ditch
5. match
6. fetch
7. witch
8. patch
9. switch
10. batch
Kind regards, Miss Newton