School Logo

Year 2

Welcome to Year Two's Class page!



Materials needed. 

If you have any left over cardboard this weekend please could you send it in with your child on Monday. This is for our Art lesson based on Architecture. It can be boxes, tubes- anything children can build with. Thank you in advance. 

Hello everyone! 

Thank you all for a fantastic welcome to the school. I have really enjoyed my first few days here and the children have been very welcoming. 

I look forward to upcoming term and working closely with you all. 

If there is anything you would like to discuss, please feel free to speak to me at the end of the day.

Spellings and homework will go on the new homework sub-page underneath.  


Thank you 



All homework will be given out on a Tuesday. The pupils will come in on a Tuesday morning and we will mark the maths homework then. Reading books will also be changed on a Tuesday so please bring in reading books as well as reading records. We will also have a spelling test every Tuesday afternoon so please practice the spellings with your child.


Reading with your child one to one at home
