Our Nursery Day
Our Nursery Day
Our day is subject to change because in Nursery we respond to the children’s needs and interests.
8.40 The gate opens and children come into Nursery
9.00 Registration
9.10 Topic
9.20 Free flow and adult led activities
10:10 Phonics
10:25 Snack
10.45 Free flow and adult led activities
11.25 Tidy up
11.30 Story or rhymes
11:45 Lunch
12:15 Quiet time
12:30 Lunchtime play
1:00 Register and carpet time
1:10 Free flow and adult led activities
2:00 Circle Time
2:15 Free flow and adult led activities
2:55 Tidy up
3:00 Story
3:10 Goodbye song and prayer