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All homework will be given out on a Tuesday.

This page will update every Tuesday



Homework due 30/04/24



Spelling Shed




Comprehension - P10-11



Maths-  P32-33



History- Create a poster (Life of the Romans)

  • you will be creating 2 posters of the following to present to the class first week back
    1. Importance of Hadrian walls (1 Poster)
      • Why the Roman army were so powerful
      • why did the Romans build Hadrian's wall? 
    2. Why do we remember the Romans? (1 poster)
      • Impact of the Roman Empire on Britain
      • What Britain was like before the Romans
      • How did the Romans change Britain? (what did they bring to Britain?)

Remember to create 2 posters and to do research 


Computing: (optional)




Children to CONTINUE practicing timestables on TT Rockstars








