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Wind Down Wanstead

Wind Down Wanstead

At Wanstead Church School we are very pleased to offer an in-house after school club.

Wind Down Wanstead runs every day from 3.15-6.00pm.


Wake Up Wanstead is run by Miss Johnson, Miss Reeves Mrs Baptist and Miss Blogg and takes place in our school playgrounds, hall, library and ICT suite, depending on the weather!


The children play games, complete their homework, read, make friends, and generally have a great time.


Bookings are very flexible, and you can book last minute too! Book via the School Office and pay on ParentMail+Pay.


First session 3.15-4.15pm (YR-6) £9 per session

First session 3.15-4.15pm (YN) £11 per session

Second session 4.15-6.00pm (YR-6) £13 per session (includes supper)

Full session 3.15-6.00pm (YR-6) £20 per session (includes supper)

Full session 3.15-6.00pm (YN) £22 per session (includes supper)


