School Logo


Welcome to Nursery


A message from Miss Peach and Miss Rose



It has been another lovely week in Nursery. The children are settling really well into our routines and are engaging in a range of activities. Well done, everybody!

Just a reminder that children should bring a small bag to Nursery with a change of clothes in case they have an accident. Please could you ensure that anything your child may take off e.g. cardigan, jumper, coat is clearly labelled with his/her name? Children should also bring a named bottle of water so they can have a drink if they need one. If your child brings a lunch bag, please could this also be clearly named? Thank you.


The adults working in our Nursery are:

Miss Peach (Class Teacher)

Miss Rose (Early Years Educator)

Mrs Kamali (Higher Level Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Lenihan (Learning Support Assistant)

Mrs Ahmed  (Learning Support Assistant)

Mrs Dhillon  (Midday Assistant)

